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Mental health relates most directly with the functioning of our minds, that is, with our situation, thoughts, emotions and behavior. It also frequently relates to our physical health, as mental health can have an impact on physical health and vice versa.

Other things that may have an impact on your mental health is your family history, history of general medical illness (like diabetes, PCOS, thyroid problems, HIV, cancer, etc.), pre-existing mental illness (for instance, a person living with depression may be more likely to experience suicidal thoughts/behaviours), severe or long-term stress, social disadvantage (as may be experienced within members of minority communities), poverty or debt, etc.

If the ongoing state of your thoughts, emotions or behavior is having an impact on your ability to function on a daily basis, you may schedule a session with us here. or learn more about mental health through articles written by mental health experts.

As mentioned above, mental health concerns and illness can be caused and influenced by many factors. Hence any feelings, thoughts, hallucinations, and fears that a person with mental illness might experience are not meant to be taken as imagined, as they are very real to the person experiencing them. If you feel you need to reach out for professional support, you can schedule a session here

Therapy is a process that helps facilitate behavioural and emotional change. The need for such change could be based on a clinical diagnosis, on stress you’ve been feeling lately in your daily routine, or even the desire to realize one’s potential in a more effective manner than before.

If you’d like to read more about the ‘need’ for therapy, you may go through this article, or contact our team to speak about your specific concerns.

Absolutely*, you could – do note that being in therapy is different from spaces you may share with yourself or your loved ones, in that it is meant so you can share whatever is coming up for you – even (and at times, especially) the seemingly ‘inappropriate’, the ‘abnormal’, or even the ‘ugly’ emotions or thoughts that might be difficult to bring up in a conversation otherwise, due to a pre-existing relationship. But that’s not all that it can be – you can also use it to acknowledge, or even celebrate different aspects of yourself as and when they come up for you. 

If you’d like to know more about how therapy can help you (or someone you know), you may like to read this article, or contact our team directly.

*Please keep in mind that therapy is a recommended treatment option for individuals living with mental illness, since symptoms can often lack improvement or even worsen without adequate treatment. With or without a diagnosis, if you feel that the space described above would help you in anyway, you may choose to schedule a session with us

To help decide whether you wish to go ahead with therapy or not, please go through our responses to the above questions first. If you’d like to know more still, you could choose to get a more personalized understanding of your concerns by getting to know our team better, contacting us directly, or reading this article about what counts as a ‘good fit’ between client and therapist

It would be difficult for us to respond to this without knowing more of what your concerns are; however we do understand that a client may be dealing about any number of concerns when faced with the decision of starting therapy, like its affordability, accessibility, the want to find a good fit with your therapist, what it may mean for them to be in therapy, etc. If you’d like additional support in exploring your individual concerns, you may like to read this article written by our team, or contact us directly

We endeavor to provide more affordable services to any individual who reaches out to us – kindly reach out to us directly or check our ongoing offers for more information.

Depending on your relationship with them, you could gently encourage to them seek support appropriate to their concerns. If you wish to, you could also check out our gifting options for therapy sessions here

– Have any other queries? Resolve them here